Thursday 10 November 2011

School :)

In cdt with amelia and yasmin!!!
Hahah yasin called nick fat LOL

Saturday 5 November 2011


Okay well, me and sophia arent friends any more cuz shes a dogg and says shit she will do and never does it.
Well get this, she says oh ill hang wif u for tomoz and then tomoz comes and she doesnt even tlk to me.

Now she is using maddie to get to jims instead of me cuz i told her not to use me again like she did when she was going out with dean.

Heeeyy Maddie if u see this call me asap kk love uu xoxox

Friday 28 October 2011

The Life of a 14 year old!

Why is it when your 14 you want to be 10 or 11 but when ur 10 or 11 you want to be 14 or older?! I want to be younger again, not worring bout hair, makeup or the clothes your wearing. You can go make friends easier as there are more ppl ur age!! What happend to the good old days, use to walk to the shops in ur pjs, use to get away with anything. But no now that we are teenages everyone expects big from us i hate it!!! i want to be little again but remember my childhood

arrgghh what has this world become, jugemental and racist!

Why is it aboriginals can have a school just for them but if we wanted to have an all white school we would get called racist what is this!!!! :)

Tuesday 25 October 2011


My legs are like all purple and green lol, they are full of bruises :@

Thursday 20 October 2011

Arrhh Blooddyy Emotions

Why is it you like someone and they use to like you and now they told u that they dont like u and now you cant stop liking theemmm ARRRRHHHHHHHHHHHHHH :@